icepop package


icepop.cell_proportion module

These are classes to process various cell population data. The cell population data include:

The above files are downloaded as public database. It’s stored in proportion_data/ directory See doctsring below for detailed explanation.

class icepop.cell_proportion.ImmGen(immg_fn)[source]

These are classes to process ImmGen data. The default input is ImmgenCons_all_celltypes_MicroarrayExp.csv. For each gene compute the weight of 10 cell types. Weight (in percentage) are the proportion of average gene expression of a given cell type over all cell types.

>>> from icepop import cell_proportion as cellprop
>>> ig = cellprop.ImmGen(igfile)
>>> ig_weight_dict, ig_ctlist = ig.ComputePercentageWeight()

Note that, a given cell type may contain many subtypes (e.g. StemCells contains: SC_LT34F_BM, SC_LTSL_BM, SC_STSL_BM, SC_LTSL_FL,... etc). Here we compute the average of gene expression in the given cell type from its subtypes.

Let K be the list of subtypes k in celltype j. And e_{ik} is the expression of gene i in subtype k. The average expression \bar{e}_{ij} is computed as follows:

\bar{e}_{ij} = \frac{\sum_{k=1}^{K} {e_{ik}}}{|K|}


Group by organs. Then average for for every cell type.


After we obtain the average of cell types’ gene expression, here given a gene, we compute the weight of each gene in their respective cell type. Let e_{ij} be the expression of gene i in cell type j. The cell type weight for every gene is computed as follows:

w_{ij} = \frac{\bar{e}_{ij}}{\sum_{j=1}^{C} { \bar{e}_{ij} }}


Similar with ComputePercentageWeight() Only output them in the form of dictionary of list. List contains cell type with bracketted weight, (e.g. abTcells(26.12)).


Parse ImmGen data and then collect them as dictionary of list. Each dictionary of list is constructed with gene names and cell types as keys and list of gene expressions as values.

class icepop.cell_proportion.Iris(irisfn)[source]

These are classes to process IRIS data. The default input is ImmgenCons_all_celltypes_MicroarrayExp.csv For each gene compute the weight of K cell types. Weight (in percentage) are the proportion of average gene expression of a given cell type over all cell types.

>>> from icepop import cell_proportion as cellprop
>>> iris = cellprop.ImmGen(irisfile)
>>> iris_weight_dict, iris_ctlist = iris.ComputePercentageWeight()

Compute average for subset of each cell type.


Same with ImmGen version but here we do it using Pandas. Hence the output here is a data frame instead of nested dictionary.


Use for testing this file.

Parameters:igfile – text file, cell population proportion.

To test this code:


icepop.cellpop_score module

Functions for calculating cell population.

icepop.cellpop_score.deg_cellpopscore_df(cellpopdf=None, degdf=None, fclim=None, gene_count=False, logscale=False)[source]

Calculate the cell population score per sample. All done in Pandas data frame.

  • cellpopdf – Pandas data frame, cell population.
  • degdf – Pandas data frame, differentially expressed genes (DEGs).
  • fclim – float, foldchange lower limit thresold.
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.

Score per cell population as data frame.


>>> from icepop import cellpop_score as cp
>>> cpop_score_df = cp.deg_cellpopscore_df(cellpop_df, indf, fclim=0, gene_count=False, logscale=False)
icepop.cellpop_score.deg_cellpopscore_generank(cellpopdf=None, degdf=None, fclim=None, gene_count=False, logscale=False, cpop_thres='median')[source]

Calculate the cell population score per sample. All done in Pandas data frame.

  • cellpopdf – Pandas data frame, cell population.
  • degdf – Pandas data frame, differentially expressed genes (DEGs).
  • fclim – float, foldchange lower limit thresold.
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • cpop_thres – string(‘uniform’,’median’,’q1’), threshod to choose which cell population is induced. This threshold is for cell population score. It affects the cell type list to be reported. If uniform, we apply 1/(number of cell types).

Score per cell population as data frame.


>>> from icepop import cellpop_score as cp
>>> cpop_score_df = cp.deg_cellpopscore_df(cellpop_df, indf, fclim=0, gene_count=False, logscale=False)
icepop.cellpop_score.find_threshold(score_list, method=None)[source]

Given a list of values, calculate the median, median’s lower and upper neighbors. This is the cell type response threshold (CRT). Then return the standard deviation of the three values above.

icepop.cellpop_score.get_genebygene_fc_score_matrix_product(cellpop_df=None, sample_df=None, input_gene_count=None, filt_cellpop=None)[source]

Calculate product of FC with ImmGen/IRIS weight gene by gene.

  • cellpop_df – Pandas data frame, cell population.
  • sample_df – Pandas data frame, sample fold change.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True,divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • filt_cellpop – list of cell type that passed threshold.

icepop.cellpop_score.get_population_values(cellpop_df=None, sample_df=None, input_gene_count=None)[source]

Here is where the actual calculation take place.

  • cellpop_df – Pandas data frame, cell population.
  • sample_df – Pandas data frame, sample fold change.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True,divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.

Pandas series, with score per cell population. If the output contains all zeros, it means the genes defined in sample_df is not included in ImmGen/IRIS database.


Used for testing this file.

icepop.cellpop_score.merge_scorematrix_samplefc(cellpop_df=None, sample_df=None, input_gene_count=None)[source]

Merge Immgen/IRIS matrix with sample fold change data. It is possible that the gene list in sample does not exist at all in IRIS/ImmGen. In that case we return the data frames with 0 values.

  • cellpop_df – Pandas data frame, cell population.
  • sample_df – Pandas data frame, sample fold change.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True,divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.

Pandas series, merged data.

icepop.cellpop_score.sample_response_score(score_list, method=None)[source]

Given a list of values, calculate the sample response score (SR). It calls find_threshold() function that calculates the cell type response score (CRT).

SR = -log \Bigg(\frac{CRT}{(1/nof\_cell\_type)} \Bigg) \\
    = -log (CRT \cdot  nof\_cell\_type)

icepop.clock module

Timing decorator.


A decorator to compute running time of a function. Usage:

import clock
def func(self):
Parameters:func – A function.

icepop.cluster_cellpop_score module

Here we take clustered genes (degdf), then for each cluster compute cell population score.

icepop.cluster_cellpop_score.cluster_cellpop_score(cellpopdf=None, degdf=None, fclim=None, gene_count=False, logscale=False, k=None, method='ward', dist='euclidean')[source]
  • cellpopdf – Cell population data frame.
  • degdf – DEGs data frame.
  • fclim – float, foldchange lower limit thresold.
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If True, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • method – string(‘complete’,’average’,’ward’)
  • dist – string(‘euclidean’,’manhattan’,’pearsond’)
  • k – integer, number of cluster

Pandas data frame that contains cell population scores for each cluster and clustered genes with ClusterID added.


>>> from icepop import cluster_cellpop_score as ccp
>>> fold_change_lim = 1.5
>>> nof_clust       = 15
>>> full_clust_cpopdf, full_clust_degdf =
>>> ccp.cluster_cellpop_score(cellpopdf=cellpop_df,
        >>> degdf=indf,fclim=fold_change_lim,
        >>> gene_count=False,logscale=False, k=nof_clust, method="ward",
        >>> dist="euclidean")
>>> full_clust_cpopdf.to_csv("full_clust.tsv",sep=" ",index=False,float_format='%.3f')

Used for testing this file.

icepop.clustering module

Perform clustering on genes. Later for each cluster we run cell population scoring.

icepop.clustering.cluster(degdf=None, k=20, fclim=None, method='complete', dist='euclidean')[source]

Clustering function. Derived from scikit-learn’s AgglomerativeClustering method.

  • degdf – DEGs data frame.
  • method – string(‘complete’,’average’,’ward’).
  • dist – string(‘euclidean’,’manhattan’,’pearsond’).
  • k – integer, number of cluster.

A generator that list gene names for each cluster.


Used for testing this file.


Calculate distance matrix based on Pearson correlation.

Parameters:np_matrix – a numpy matrix of size (M x N).
Returns:A numpy similarity matrix with size (M x M).

icepop.draw_cellpop module

icepop.draw_cellpop.bar_plot(indf, title=None, outfile=None, ymin=0, ymax=0.2, y_thres=None)[source]

Make barplot. All in one figure. Not very pretty. Based on Pandas method.

  • indf – cell population data frame.
  • title – string.
  • outfile – string (e.g. ‘plot.png’).

Histogram plot. Image file type is defined automatically from output file extension.

icepop.draw_cellpop.bar_plot_facet(indf, title=None, outfile=None)[source]

Make barplot in trellis (facet), using Seaborn. Each sample one figure.

  • indf – cell population data frame.
  • title – string.
  • outfile – string (e.g. ‘plot.png’).

Histogram plot facet. Image file type is defined automatically from output file extension.


>>> from icepop import draw_cellpop as dc
>>> outfile = "barplot.png"
>>> dc.bar_plot_facet(cpop_score_df, outfile=outfile)
icepop.draw_cellpop.cellpop_cluster_heatmap(cellpop_clust_df, fig_width=5.25, fig_height=10.25, title=None, outfile=None)[source]

Make heatmap for cell population clusters, using Seaborn.

  • cellpop_clust_df – cell population cluster data frame.
  • title – string
  • outfile – string (e.g. ‘plot.png’).

Heatmap, with cluster number as y-axis and cell population as x-axis. Image file type is defined automatically from output file extension.


>>> from icepop import draw_cellpop as dc
>>> dc.cellpop_cluster_heatmap(full_clust_cpopdf, outfile="heatmap.png")

Function to select autopct based on threshold.

icepop.draw_cellpop.condn_plot(condn_mat, outfile=None)[source]

A function to plot condition number with respect to series of specificity threshold.

Parameters:condn_mat – a numpy matrix generated by condn_thres_mat().
Returns:line plot.
icepop.draw_cellpop.pieplot_deconv(indf, nrows=3, ncols=4, outfile=None)[source]

Plot pie chart for deconvolution of gene expression as facet

  • indf – cell population data frame.
  • nrows – integer
  • ncols – integer
  • outfile – string (e.g. ‘plot.png’).

icepop.enumerate_output module

Given a fold change threshold, we enumerate all the answers, per sample. The output later will be used for JavaScript processing at the fron end.

icepop.enumerate_output.enumerate_geneclust_go_output(cellpopdf, degdf, gene_count=False, outfilename=None, k=None, logscale=None, fc_range=None, method='ward', dist='euclidean', species=None, pvalim=1, cormeth=None, immune=True, verbose=False, tsv=False)[source]

Enumerate all the gene cluster cell population score given the range of fold change threshold. This file output is later to be used to make JavaScript rendering, modeled according to:

  • cellpopdf – Cell population data frame.
  • degdf – DEGs data frame.
  • fc_range – list of floats, range of fold change
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If ‘True’, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • outfilename – output filename. The output type depends on the extension. They are (”.json”, ”.tsv”)
  • method – string(‘complete’,’average’,’ward’)
  • dist – string(‘euclidean’,’manhattan’,’pearsond’)
  • k – integer, number of cluster
  • gene_ontology – boolean, whether or not to run GO.

The following parameters only take effect when gene_ontology is set to true.

  • species – string(‘mouse’,’human’,’rat’)
  • useSymbol – string(‘true’,’false’), whether query is done using gene symbol, otherwise ProbeID
  • pvalim – string, lowerbound of P-value for a GO term to be displayed.
  • immune – boolean, show only immune related GO terms.
  • verbose – boolean, display processing stage.

JSON format output for both GO as list of list.


>>> from icepop import enumerate_output as eo
>>> out_go_json = "input_cluster_type1_degs.large.go.json" 
>>> eo.enumerate_geneclust_go_output(cellpop_df, indf,
        >>> fc_range=foldchange_range, outfilename = out_go_json,
        >>> gene_count=True, logscale=False,k=nof_clust, method="ward",
        >>> dist="euclidean",
        >>> species='mouse',pvalim=1.00,cormeth="HOLM_BONFERRONI",immune=True)
icepop.enumerate_output.enumerate_geneclust_output(cellpopdf, degdf, gene_count=False, outfilename=None, k=None, logscale=None, fc_range=None, method='ward', dist='euclidean')[source]

Enumerate all the gene cluster cell population score given the range of fold change threshold.

  • cellpopdf – Cell population data frame.
  • degdf – DEGs data frame.
  • fc_range – list of floats, range of fold change
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If ‘True’, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • outfilename – output filename.
  • method – string(‘complete’,’average’,’ward’)
  • dist – string(‘euclidean’,’manhattan’,’pearsond’)
  • k – integer, number of cluster

JSON format output for both cell population.


>>> from icepop import enumerate_output as eo
>>> out_json = "input_cluster_type1_degs.large.json" 
>>> nof_clust        = 15
>>> foldchange_range = [1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5]
>>> eo.enumerate_geneclust_output(cellpop_df, indf,
        >>> fc_range=foldchange_range, outfilename = out_json,
        >>> gene_count=True,  logscale=False,k=nof_clust, method="ward",
        >>> dist="euclidean")
icepop.enumerate_output.enumerate_output(cellpopdf, degdf, gene_count=False, outfilename=None, logscale=None, fc_range=None)[source]

Enumerate all the cell population score given the range of fold change threshold.

  • cellpopdf – Cell population data frame.
  • degdf – DEGs data frame.
  • fc_range – list of floats, range of fold change
  • logscale – boolean, transform fold change to logscale. This does not affect the result substansially.
  • gene_count – boolean, normalization method. If ‘True’, divide by sum of product. The total weight will have to result to 1.00.
  • outfilename – output filename.

JSON format output.


>>> from icepop import enumerate_output as eo
>>> foldchange_range =[1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5]
>>> out_json = "input_type1_degs.large.json"
>>> eo.enumerate_output(cellpop_df, indf, fc_range = foldchange_range, outfilename = out_json,  gene_count=True, logscale=False)

Used for testing this file.

icepop.geo module

Stores method to parse the GEO file in various formats. These functions are inherited from GEOparse package.

icepop.geo.accumulate(handle=None, type='gsm', anncol='Gene Symbol', gpl_id=None)[source]

Instead of iterating content of GEO object, we return one single Data frame with combined GSMs.

  • handle – a GSE handler.
  • anncol – string, annotation column. Derived from GPL class.
  • type – string, iterator type.
  • gpl_id – int, index of GPL id you want to return.

Data frame from multiple GSMs name and expression values data frame. Probe names and gene symbols are included.


>>> full_df = geo.accumulate(handle=gse,type="gsm",anncol="Gene Symbol")
icepop.geo.get_gpl(handle=None, id=None)[source]

A function to return meta data from the given GSE object.

:param id:int, List id of which you want to return the GPL.

icepop.geo.iterate(handle=None, type='gsm', anncol='Gene Symbol')[source]

Functions to iterate content of GEO object.

  • handle – a GSE handler.
  • type – string, iterator type.
  • anncol – string, annotation column. Derived from GPL class.

Iterator that holds GSM name and expression values data frame. Probe names and gene symbols are included.


>>> for gsm_name, gsm_df in geo.iterate_gsm(handle=gse):
>>>     print gsm_name
>>>     print gsm_df.head()
icepop.geo.load(geoid=None, destdir=None, filepath=None)[source]

Function to download GEO file in SOFT format.

  • geo – string, GEO id (e.g. “GSE69886”)
  • destdir – string, destination to store the files.


>>> from icepop import geo
>>> gse = geo.load(geoid="GSE74306", destdir="./")

or if the data is already downloaded

>>> gse = geo.load(filepath="./GSE74306.soft.gz")

icepop.input_reader module

Functions to read input with various format:

  • DEG (fold change)
  • RAW expression data from GEO format.

Reading HDF file that contain gene list and the corresponding CV filter, for the given organ. Calculated using BARCODE 3.0 .


Description of main

icepop.input_reader.read_file(infile, mode='DEG')[source]

Reading various input file. Supported format are tab delimited (TSV), comma delimited (CSV), Excel (.xlsx or .xls).

Parameters:mode – string(‘DEG’,’RAW’). DEG (default) is in fold change format, RAW in GEO format of raw expression values.
Returns:Pandas data frame.


>>> from icepop import input_reader as ir
>>> deg_infile = "input_type1_degs.tsv"
>>> indf       = ir.read_file(deg_infile, mode="DEG")
icepop.input_reader.read_hdf(species=None, organs=False)[source]

HDF reading is faster than pickle. Here given the species, return the weighted proportion as dataframe.

Parameters:species – species, used to indicate the h5 file.
Returns:Pandas data frame.
icepop.input_reader.read_hdf_expr(species=None, organs=False)[source]

Here given the species, return the weighted expression for each celltypes as dataframe.

Parameters:species – species, used to indicate the h5 file.
Returns:Pandas data frame.

HDF reading from input file.

Parameters:infile – A HDF file, usually from ImmGen/IRIS proportion. Made by

Used for reading only phenotype granularity type of ImmGen data. It returns two data frames: 1) scoring matrix; 2) phenotype celltype correspondence.


Used for reading only phenotype granularity type of ImmGen data. It returns two data frames: 1) scoring matrix; 2) phenotype celltype correspondence.


Description of read from pickle file. The output is dictionary of list which contain list of genes sorted by the most specific one. The file is created by

icepop.serialize_cell_proportion module

This code is only to be used once. It creates Pickle or HDF5 format files. So that faster loading of data structure can be made.


Make the actual HDF files for both ImmGen and IRIS.

icepop.serialize_cell_proportion.make_immgen_expr(out_type='HDF5', group_by='organs')[source]

Make the persistent files for ImmGen. We implement only for HDF5 as Pandas table But here we just use expression without weighting them.


From original file, we create a HDF5 that list all the cell population and phenotype as data frame


Obtain gene expression without summarizing, i.e. include all phenotypes.

icepop.serialize_cell_proportion.make_immgen_specificity(species='mouse', method='sparseness', to_exclude=['gdTCells'])[source]

Make specificity file in HDF5. The data structure is mouse.

icepop.serialize_cell_proportion.make_immgen_weight(out_type='HDF5', group_by=None)[source]

Make the persistent files for ImmGen. Now we implement for HDF5 as Pandas table and Pickle as nested dictionary.


Make the persistent files for IRIS. Now we implement for HDF5 as Pandas table and Pickle as nested dictionary.


Make the persistent files for IRIS. Now we implement for HDF5 as Pandas table and Pickle as nested dictionary.


From original file, we create a HDF5 that list all the cell population and phenotype as data frame


Obtain gene expression without summarizing, i.e. include all phenotypes.

icepop.species_cell_proportion module

This modules has interface to let user choose which species they want. And return the cell population weight accordingly. Additional option include choosing between Pandas dataframe or standard nested dictionary. It behaves as the extension of cell_proportion module.

icepop.species_cell_proportion.choose_organ(cp_organ_df, organ_name)[source]

Description of choose_organ


Similar with the output generated by scp.get_prop(). It returns cell type proportion, but at phenotype level. Also returns a table that list the phenotype correspondence with cell type and organ.

Specifically for ImmGen only.


Similar with the output generated by scp.get_prop(). It returns cell type proportion, but at phenotype level. Also returns a table that list the phenotype correspondence with cell type and organ.

Specifically for IRIS only.

icepop.species_cell_proportion.get_prop(species='mouse', mode='')[source]

Get cell type proportion.

  • species – string(‘mouse’,’human’) mouse (default) obtained from ImmGen database and human from IRIS.
  • mode – string(‘pandas_df’,’dict’)

function to read persistence file.


>>> from icepop import species_cell_proportion as scp
>>> cellpop_df = scp.get_prop(species="mouse",mode="pandas_df")

Used to execute this file.

icepop.species_cell_proportion.normalize_tables(exp_pheno_df, cellpop_pheno_name_table_df)[source]

Expression normalization routines

icepop.specificity module

Various function to calculate specificity score of every gene in proportion data (ImmGen/IRIS)

icepop.specificity.assign_specificity_score(df, method='sparseness')[source]

Assign specificity score to the ImmGen/IRIS data. :param df: Pandas data frame, generally proportion file. :param method: str(“sparseness”,”js”)

Returns:a Panda data frame with where every genes will have its specificity score.

Given a Pandas data frame with genes as row and column of cell types or samples append sparseness score at the end

Indf:Pandas data frame.
Returns:Pandas data frame with appended sparseness score.
icepop.specificity.condn_thres_mat(df, method='sparseness', verbose=False)[source]

Function to enumerate condition number from series of thresholds.

Parameters:df – Pandas data frame, generally proportion file.
Returns:numpy (3 x 2) matrix, which stores list of threshold, condition number and number of markers.
icepop.specificity.find_best_marker_genes(df, method='sparseness', verbose=False)[source]

We use condition number to choose the best specificity threshold.

  • df – Pandas data frame, generally proportion file.
  • method – str(“sparseness”,”js”)
  • verbose – boolean

a Panda data frame with selected marker genes.

icepop.specificity.find_marker_genes(df, method='sparseness', lim=0.8)[source]

Find marker genes from expression cell population by some specificity score.

  • df – Pandas data frame, generally proportion file.
  • method – str(“sparseness”,”js”)
  • lim – float, threshold to select
icepop.specificity.find_topk_marker_genes(df, method='sparseness', to_exclude=None, lim=0.8, top_k=1)[source]

Find marker genes from expression cell population by some specificity score. Then select to 10 genes, one gene which is most specific in one cell type.

  • df – Pandas data frame, generally proportion file.
  • to_exclude – list of cell type to exclude. If None, average between abTcell and gdTcell will be performed.
  • method – str(“sparseness”,”js”)

a Panda data frame with selected marker genes.


Using Jensen-Shannon distance calculate the specificity score of every gene with respect to the cell type.

Parameters:xs – Numpy matrix, which contain list of expression from all cell types.
Returns:Numpy array (1D), value with sparsity scores for every genes.

Normalize every row.

Parameters:dfv – Numpy matrix.
Returns:Numpy matrix, with normalize score.

A function to calculate sparseness score of a given gene. The value range from 0 to 1. Score 1 means that the gene is perfectly expressed in one cell type. Calcuated the following way (Hoyer 2004):

sparseness(x) = \frac{\sqrt{n}-\frac{\sum{||x_{i}||}}{\sqrt{\sum{x_{i}^2}}}}{\sqrt{n}-1}

Here n refers to the number of cell types and x_i expression of a gene in cell type i.

Parameters:xs – Numpy matrix, which contain list of expression from all cell types.
Returns:Numpy array (1D), value with sparsity scores for every genes.

icepop.targetmine_query_urllib module

Programmatic way to do GO analysis. It uses TargetMine.

icepop.targetmine_query_urllib.get_tgm_data(genelist_string, species='mouse', immune=True, useSymbol='true', pvalim='1.00', cormeth='HOLM_BONFERRONI')[source]

Get GO enrichment given list of genes.

  • genelist_string – string, comma separated (e.g. “Ssb,Eny2,Hsp90b1,Ube3a,Cry1,Prkaa1”).
  • species – string(‘mouse’,’human’,’rat’).
  • useSymbol – string(‘true’,’false’), whether query is done using gene symbol, otherwise ProbeID.
  • pvalim – string(‘1.00’,‘0.01’), lowerbound of P-value for a GO term to be displayed.
  • immune – boolean, show only immune related GO terms.

Generator for GO with enrichment Pvalues

icepop.targetmine_query_urllib.inlist(substring_list, query)[source]

Check if the sustring in the list is contained in the string.


Use for testing this file.

Module contents

This is a package for estimating immune cell population from differentially expressed genes.